- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 1446
- author: TEDxTalks

Enhancing the plasticity of the brain: Max Cynader at TEDxStanleyPark
Dr. Max Cynader is Director of the Brain Research Centre, and the Djavad Mowafaghian Centr...
published: 27 Apr 2013
author: TEDxTalks
Enhancing the plasticity of the brain: Max Cynader at TEDxStanleyPark
Enhancing the plasticity of the brain: Max Cynader at TEDxStanleyPark
Dr. Max Cynader is Director of the Brain Research Centre, and the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health at Vancouver Coastal Health and The University o...- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 1446
- author: TEDxTalks

The Aging Brain - Research on Aging
How do we successfully age? Join expert, Paul Aisen, MD, as he talks about the normal agin...
published: 12 Aug 2011
The Aging Brain - Research on Aging
The Aging Brain - Research on Aging
How do we successfully age? Join expert, Paul Aisen, MD, as he talks about the normal aging of the brain versus what happens to the brain of a person with Al...- published: 12 Aug 2011
- views: 1977
- author: University of California Television (UCTV)

The Inconstant Brain - Research on Aging
It was thought that the brain remained stable until the changes of old age occurred. New s...
published: 12 Mar 2009
The Inconstant Brain - Research on Aging
The Inconstant Brain - Research on Aging
It was thought that the brain remained stable until the changes of old age occurred. New studies reveal an unsuspected degree of dynamic change in brain tiss...- published: 12 Mar 2009
- views: 2859
- author: University of California Television (UCTV)

Brain Research at Stanford: Surprise!
October 21, 2011 - Professor Jonathan Berger continues the discussion on brain research at...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: StanfordUniversity
Brain Research at Stanford: Surprise!
Brain Research at Stanford: Surprise!
October 21, 2011 - Professor Jonathan Berger continues the discussion on brain research at Stanford and pushes the topic in a different direction by looking ...- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 3358
- author: StanfordUniversity

Brain Research at Stanford: Mindsets
October 21, 2011 - Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology, cont...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: StanfordUniversity
Brain Research at Stanford: Mindsets
Brain Research at Stanford: Mindsets
October 21, 2011 - Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology, continues the discussion on brain research at Stanford by taking a clos...- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 14047
- author: StanfordUniversity

Using Brain Research To Energize School Reform: Dr. Janet Zadina at TEDxEnola
TEDxEnola: February 1st, 2012 Dr. Janet Zadina Using Brain Research To Energize School Ref...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: TEDxTalks
Using Brain Research To Energize School Reform: Dr. Janet Zadina at TEDxEnola
Using Brain Research To Energize School Reform: Dr. Janet Zadina at TEDxEnola
TEDxEnola: February 1st, 2012 Dr. Janet Zadina Using Brain Research To Energize School Reform Enola, Pennsylvania In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED...- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 1547
- author: TEDxTalks

Dr David Linden - Brain research in psychiatry: A new window into the mind.
Brain research in psychiatry: A new window into the mind By Dr David Linden School of Psyc...
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: WicnWales Bangor
Dr David Linden - Brain research in psychiatry: A new window into the mind.
Dr David Linden - Brain research in psychiatry: A new window into the mind.
Brain research in psychiatry: A new window into the mind By Dr David Linden School of Psychology, University of Wales, Bangor North West Wales NHS Trust Nort...- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 378
- author: WicnWales Bangor

Brain Research at Stanford: Decision Making
October 21, 2011 - Professor Baba Shiv continues the discussion on brain research at Stanf...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: StanfordUniversity
Brain Research at Stanford: Decision Making
Brain Research at Stanford: Decision Making
October 21, 2011 - Professor Baba Shiv continues the discussion on brain research at Stanford, but takes the topic in a different direction. He focuses on th...- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 8554
- author: StanfordUniversity

Early Split Brain Research Gazzaniga
Documentary. Rare video. The end is CUT OFF so here's the rest of the narration: "The ques...
published: 20 May 2007
author: veronchiquita
Early Split Brain Research Gazzaniga
Early Split Brain Research Gazzaniga
Documentary. Rare video. The end is CUT OFF so here's the rest of the narration: "The question becomes: What happens when you allow both hands together to tr...- published: 20 May 2007
- views: 71434
- author: veronchiquita

Brain Research at Stanford: The Law
October 21, 2011 - Professor Hank Greely continues the discussion of brain research, looki...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: StanfordUniversity
Brain Research at Stanford: The Law
Brain Research at Stanford: The Law
October 21, 2011 - Professor Hank Greely continues the discussion of brain research, looking at how the groundbreaking research interacts with the law and le...- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 2188
- author: StanfordUniversity

Obama wants $100M for brain research
Supporters say the president's plan will create jobs and help scientists better understand...
published: 02 Apr 2013
author: CNN
Obama wants $100M for brain research
Obama wants $100M for brain research
Supporters say the president's plan will create jobs and help scientists better understand how the brain works.- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 3959
- author: CNN

Roger Sperry & Split Brain Research
Names: Felicia Hamn and Erin Price Sources: (2012). TEDxCaltech: The Brain - Teaser - 1/18...
published: 21 Apr 2013
author: Sense Forgotten
Roger Sperry & Split Brain Research
Roger Sperry & Split Brain Research
Names: Felicia Hamn and Erin Price Sources: (2012). TEDxCaltech: The Brain - Teaser - 1/18/13. Caltech Academic Media Technologies. Scientific American Front...- published: 21 Apr 2013
- views: 180
- author: Sense Forgotten

Brain scan research 'reconstructs images from human minds'
Researchers in the US have created rough computer reconstructions of video images people w...
published: 23 Sep 2011
author: ITN
Brain scan research 'reconstructs images from human minds'
Brain scan research 'reconstructs images from human minds'
Researchers in the US have created rough computer reconstructions of video images people were watching by scanning their brains. . Like us on Facebook at htt...- published: 23 Sep 2011
- views: 12109
- author: ITN

Brain Research at Stanford: Nurture & Nature
October 21, 2011 - As a member of the President's Welcome discussion and panel on brain re...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: StanfordUniversity
Brain Research at Stanford: Nurture & Nature
Brain Research at Stanford: Nurture & Nature
October 21, 2011 - As a member of the President's Welcome discussion and panel on brain research, Carla Shatz discusses how the brain makes you who you are. ...- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 2439
- author: StanfordUniversity
Vimeo results:

"Dans l'ombre", "In the shadow". Short film.
Un film noir avec des ombres.
A film noir with shadows. (English subtitles).
Link to see ...
published: 03 May 2011
author: Fabrice Mathieu
"Dans l'ombre", "In the shadow". Short film.
Un film noir avec des ombres.
A film noir with shadows. (English subtitles).
Link to see the short film with spanish subtitles: https://vimeo.com/52239984
Narrateur : Roger Candy.
Ecrit et réalisé par Fabrice Mathieu.
Une ombre raconte sa vie avec son "Portant", ce double de chair et de sang, qu'elle décide un jour d'éliminer...
A shadow is telling its life story with his "Wearer", a flesh and bone double, who one day it decides to get rid of...
Ce court-métrage est le prequel d'un scénario de long-métrage écrit par Fabrice Mathieu et intitulé "Dans l'ombre".
This short film is a prequel to a feature script called "Dans l'ombre", written by Fabrice Mathieu.
Ce projet est à la recherche de producteurs.
Pour tout renseignement ou contact, vous pouvez envoyer un mail via Vimeo, ou à l'adresse suivante :
This project is looking for producers.
Please contact me via Vimeo or email:
Ce prequel est un travail de montage et de recherche d'archives. Il regroupe des plans d'une cinquantaine de films, dans lesquels des ombres sont présentes. L'histoire est narrée du point de vue des silhouettes.
This prequel is a research and editing work based on footages from more than fifty movies showing shadows. The story is narrated from the shadows point of view.
La musique regroupe des extraits composés par Roque Banos et Danny Elfman dans lesquels ils utilisent le Theremin. Cet instrument illustre l'aspect fantastique du récit et le déplacement des ombres.
The soundtrack includes sound extracts composed by Roque Banos and Danny Elfman where Theremin is used. This music instrument supports the fantastic aspect of the story and the moving of the shadows.
Un grand merci à Henric Gomes et à Eddie Vega pour la traduction !
Awards :
- The Disposable Film Festival 2012 (March 22-25 in San Francisco). Honorable Mention DFF 2012.
- Trolls & Légendes : le Festival de toutes les Fantasy. 2013. Mons (Belgique). Best Short Film.
- MAshRome Film Festival. Mai 2013. Rome (Italie). Best Narrative Short Film (Best MashPrime).
Festivals :
- Kilburn Film Festival 2011/Brain Wash Shorts.
- 22° São Paulo International Short Film Festival 2011 (Brésil).
- Filminute 2011, the international one-minute film festival.
- 18th Barcelona Independent Film Festival, l'Alternativa. Novembre 2011 (Espagne).
- Festival "Les Courts du 18ème", Paris, décembre 2011.
- Salento Finibus terrae Film Festival 2012 (jul 26th - Aug 4th) (Italie).
- Film Skillet, Finalist for Summer 2012 International Film Contest in Drama.
- MashUp Film Festival 2012, Paris.
- Neukölln Short Film Walk 2012 (Allemagne).
- 5ª edición de CINETORO FILM FESTIVAL 2012 (Colombie).
- Morbido Film Fest 2013 (Mexico).
- Bideodromo 2013 International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao (Espagne).
- Festival Internacional Cinematográfico de Toluca 2013 (Mexique).

Newborn Visual/Audio Brain-Centers Stimulator for Baby Phaedra
A Visual/Audio Brain Center stimulator for newborn babies!
Newborns are only capable of f...
published: 24 Jan 2010
author: Kaliptus
Newborn Visual/Audio Brain-Centers Stimulator for Baby Phaedra
A Visual/Audio Brain Center stimulator for newborn babies!
Newborns are only capable of focusing 8 to 10 inches from their face. They also prefer black and white, high contrast images to color graphics. This audio based visualizer is designed help newborn babies develop their vision & hearing brain centers. I made it for my daughter Phaedra Love :)
From 0 - 3 months, a newborn's retina lacks the ability to distinguish details and textures. "When your newborn looks at your hair, she doesn't get a sense of the individual hairs, but just a sort of generalized, uniform color," says Charles Gilbert. For that reason, "infants tend to seek out things with a lot of contrast, which are easier to see and more interesting to them," adds Claire B. Kopp, Ph.D., adjunct professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and author of Baby Steps. When a newborn looks at your face, for instance, they ignore your nose and mouth, which are subtly shaded and blend into the rest of your face. Instead, they are more likely to stare at the contrast between the dark of your pupils and the whites of your eyes.
Newborns are not, as was long believed, color-blind. By measuring a baby's brain waves and eye movements, researchers have determined that the typical newborn can even tell the difference between red and green.
I have then created this brain-stimulator in hopes of improving the development of my baby girl, Phaedra's visual and audio brain centers.

Death Trap - Taste of Future
Perspectives as a reflection of sustained production of natural things. The anatomy of the...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: Boris Dörning
Death Trap - Taste of Future
Perspectives as a reflection of sustained production of natural things. The anatomy of the world, the development and the future in a seemingly self-running organism.
Perspektiven als Spiegel einer anhaltenden Produktion der natürlichen Dinge. Die Anatomie der Welt, der Entwicklung und der Zukunft in einem scheinbar von selbst laufenden Organismus.
Director . Boris Dörning
Music . Death Trap
Music curated . Markus Scholz
Mastering . Loopaz
Filming & Compositing . Boris Dörning & Jonatan Schwenk
3D Compositing . Dominik Keggenhoff
Microscope filming . Dr. Jens Hallfeldt
Microscope photography . Mike Guwak
Neuron cells . Tristan Will / Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
Space Images and videos courtesy of the image science & analysis laboratory
NASA Johnson Space Center
© Boris Dörning, 2012

The 4th Random Episode
From a tiny corner table at a busy Samovar Tea Lounge (samovarlife.com) in San Francisco, ...
published: 12 Aug 2009
author: Glenn McKenna
The 4th Random Episode
From a tiny corner table at a busy Samovar Tea Lounge (samovarlife.com) in San Francisco, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose jump into another random brain spew episode by starting off with a little medical update on Tim's recent ER visit for some elbow issues. Other topics include:
- the new (now old) iPhone 3GS, talking some about the new updates and then a short comparison with the Palm Pre.
- personal experiences with start-ups and pitching new ideas through avenues like Y Combinator http://ycombinator.com/ where Tim was then able to find and invest in startups like RescueTime http://www.rescuetime.com/ and Posterous http://posterous.com/
- Kevin, as a recent mentor at Demo days, gives up five things you can do as a new startup - to get your ideas in front of influencers.
- Tim recently gave a speech about per user metrics, unique visitors coming to your site - cost per acquisition, and lifetime value of the customer.
- Website Optimzer - http://www.google.com/websiteoptimizer/b/index.html
- Google Analytics - http://www.google.com/analytics/
- KISSmetrics (http://kissmetrics.com).
- WordCamp (http://central.wordcamp.org).
- List of Speakers at WordCamp (http://2009.sf.wordcamp.org/speakers).
- Tim's "How to Blog Without Killing Yourself" talk.
- Tim talks about the Living Language series
(http://www.randomhouse.com/livinglanguage) and its flaws.
Additional In-depth Notes on the last portion:
In the previous episode of "Random" (Link: http://bit.ly/RandomEp3), Kevin & Tim spoke a bit about language learning last time. He mentioned a book series called "The Living Language Series" (Link: http://bit.ly/LivingLanguage), which is a very high quality series. But that doesn't mean its perfect, as Tim points out in this episode. He gives his insight on how he evaluates textbooks, how he uses them and his own criterion on how he selected the mentioned series of textbooks. He goes on to talk about the issues he has like how it is structured to how the book teaches recognition and comprehention, he even gives you tips on how to easier work with the textbook. Kevin then attempts to read some Mandarin Chinese to Tim and... Kidna well, you be the judge. He continiues to say that the book doesn't provide enough visual recognition to the reader, which "makes the book easier to print", but not to fully understand. This means that just because you HEAR how something is said, doesn't mean that the word you repeat is used in the same context of what other people hear since many words sound the same but are written differently and mean very different things. Do you agree with Kevin's theory about watching foreign films to learn a language? For example, Tim mentions that David Prager (Link: http://twitter.com/dlprager) of Revision3 (Link: http://revision3.com/) about Netflix's streaming service (Link: http://www.netflix.com/HowItWorks) and how you can stream any movie or collection of movies and start learning rather than going down to a local video store like Blockbuster to see if they have in in stock. Which would you rather do? Oh, and Flash Cards help too.
Recommended Media: In Other Words: The Science And Psychology Of Second-language Acquisition (Link: http://bit.ly/KenjiHakuta), Google Search on "Cognitive Neuroscience research on language acquisition" (Link: http://bit.ly/BrainScience), Eat Drink Man Woman by Ang Lee (Link: http://bit.ly/NetflixPrager)
Youtube results:

The Impact of Brain and Mind Research Symposium
Understanding the brain is a grand challenge of science, and in April 2013, President Obam...
published: 02 Oct 2013
The Impact of Brain and Mind Research Symposium
The Impact of Brain and Mind Research Symposium
Understanding the brain is a grand challenge of science, and in April 2013, President Obama announced the federal BRAIN Initiative, with the goal is to create dramatic improvements in our understanding of brain function and dysfunction. With so much at stake, what role can Carnegie Mellon and Pittsburgh play in this initiative? This panel of experts discusses the opportunities and challenges posed by the BRAIN Initiative, including the potential of this work to bring about revolutionary changes in our understanding of the brain; in our ability to understand, diagnose and treat brain disorders; and in the development of models that mimic brain functions. Opening Remarks: Subra Suresh, Carnegie Mellon University Moderator: Michael Tarr, Carnegie Mellon University Panelists: Philip Rubin, Executive Office of the President of the United States Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University Nathan Urban, Carnegie Mellon University Marlene Behrmann, Carnegie Mellon University Emery Brown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Medical School Carnegie Mellon University is hosting a series of inaugural events to welcome its ninth president, Dr. Subra Suresh, including symposia and discussions throughout the inaugural year with the theme of "Crossing Boundaries, Transforming Lives." For more, visit: http://www.cmu.edu/suresh-inauguration- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 40

Brain Research -- The Wondrous Voyage into Ourselves - Professor Idan Segev
The fifth Israeli Presidential Conference opening ceremony: Science is grappling with the ...
published: 19 Jun 2013
author: PresidentialConf
Brain Research -- The Wondrous Voyage into Ourselves - Professor Idan Segev
Brain Research -- The Wondrous Voyage into Ourselves - Professor Idan Segev
The fifth Israeli Presidential Conference opening ceremony: Science is grappling with the great enigma of the human brain and how it operates. We expect the ...- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 124
- author: PresidentialConf

Brain Research at Stanford: Q & A
October 21, 2011 - The speakers who spent time discussing different aspects of the brain r...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: StanfordUniversity
Brain Research at Stanford: Q & A
Brain Research at Stanford: Q & A
October 21, 2011 - The speakers who spent time discussing different aspects of the brain research that is taking place at Stanford sit down and field questio...- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 1124
- author: StanfordUniversity

Exploring the Mysteries of the Mind Using Brain Research
Prof. Claus Lamm, Ph.D. Head of the Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Unit, Facu...
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: webstervienna
Exploring the Mysteries of the Mind Using Brain Research
Exploring the Mysteries of the Mind Using Brain Research
Prof. Claus Lamm, Ph.D. Head of the Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Unit, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna.- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 88
- author: webstervienna